ITC/ Market Access Map : Stay up to date with COVID-19 Temporary Trade Measures


Tracking of COVID-19 Temporary Trade Measures

This page monitors temporary trade measures enacted by government authorities in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is rapidly spreading across the world.

Governments are swiftly enacting temporary trade measures that aim to restrict exports of vital medical supplies and to liberalize imports of vital medical supplies.

Due to the rapid development of this extraordinary situation, we are providing a global daily update of enacted COVID-19 trade measures. We urge users to take these measures into account when consulting market access information throughout Market Access Map. The objective of this initiative is to improve transparency in international trade and market access in line with the mission of Market Access Map.

Section I provides global map overview of enacted measures. Section II provides status update for today. Section III provides detailed overview of measures by country. Learn more here:

Source/ Image Credit: ITC/