SIAL 2020 is open for registration

trade fair

Trade Fairs 2020: SIAL 2020 scheduled for October

Trade fairs, such as SIAL 2020,  greatly contribute to trade and investment promotion. The pandemics outbreak postponed trade events and shows.This month of May is at last starting to show a few positive and encouraging signs. While COVID is still very much out there and the strictest vigilance should be observed, many countries are now starting to come out of lockdown. The return to “business as usual” will undoubtedly be a long and gradual process.

Questions are understandably being asked as to whether trade fairs will be able to take place in several months’ time

The French government has already given the go-ahead for the resumption of events from early September. SIAL Paris will constitute the major global event for the industry from 18 to 22 October 2020.

SIAL Paris is the biggest food fair in the world, generating over €2,48 billion in trade

It promises to be a turning point, both for the SIAL and the industry as a whole. Business meetings with potential business partners will be simplified thanks to the SIAL App and matchmaking tools.

For over 50 years, SIAL Paris has been welcoming a melting pot of industry players to the French capital to share their savoir-faire and create the recipes of the future.

The first edition was held during International Food Week in 1964, and united experts and enthusiasts from 26 countries. Today, the biennial attracts exhibitors and visitors from over 200 countries and is a flagship event in the worldwide food calendar. Every two years, producers, importers, buyers and retailers, media specialists and independent associations of every shape and size meet at the largest exhibition venue in Paris for five-days of inspiration, debate and exchange.

You can read more about trade fairs here

Source/Image Credit : SIAL