25th WAIPA World Investment Conference (WIC)


The 25th WAIPA World Investment Conference (WIC), will be held within the 2021 World Investment Forum (WIF) in Abu Dhabi, UAE on October 19-20, 2021.

The annual meeting of WAIPA is comprised of an institutional portion and the Conference itself. The General Assembly of WAIPA Members (i.e., the institutional portion) precedes the WAIPA World Investment Conference. At this year’s General Assembly at the WIC also elections for WAIPAs Steering Committee will be held. The Steering Committee is the executive organ of the General Assembly and it shall consist of 14 Members of WAIPA, 11 of which elected by the General Assembly as Directors, in addition to the WAIPA President and the two Vice-Presidents. Prior to the election of the new Steering Committee at the General Assembly, the current Steering Committee convenes for a meeting.

In the wake of COVID-19 it will discuss under the theme “Regeneration of IPAs in a new decade” the crucial importance of investment promotion agencies (IPAs) during and after the pandemic that impacted lives and economies globally.

Discover more events HERE.

Strengthening IPA Advocacy Services 2021 Awards (in partnership with the World Bank Group)

WAIPA together with the World Bank Group (WBG) jointly launched a global competition to find and award international best practices of Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) advocating for reforms to improve the investment ecosystem for foreign investors (FDI).

Through this competition, the WAIPA and the WBG aim to emphasize the key benefits of IPAs’ advocacy services. The competition aims to collect and disseminate IPA advocacy success stories and raise awareness in a way that hopefully inspires more IPAs to play a stronger role in advocating for reforms.

The winning IPAs will be selected by a jury consisting of delegates from WAIPA, the WBG, UNCTAD and the WEF and awarded during the 25th WAIPA World Investment Conference.


Source /Image Credit: WAIPA