World Economic Forum: The Davos Agenda January 25-29, 2021

world economic forum

This year, the 51st edition of the World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum, WEF) will be held in two phases: a virtual one in January and another one, face-to-face, in May. The summit will convene politicians, businessmen and representatives of social and cultural organizations at a crucial time for the world, under the tagline ‘The Great Reset.’

For more than 50 years, the World Economic Forum, also known as the Davos Forum, has served as a global platform where leaders from business, government, international organizations, civil society and academia come together to address critical issues at the start of each year. In 2021, it will abandon its traditional format to adapt to the demands of the pandemic.
From January 25 to 29, the dates on which the event normally takes place, the Forum will hold a virtual round of so-called ‘Davos Dialogues’, where global leaders will share their insights into the state of the world in 2021.

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that no institution or individual alone can address the economic, environmental, social and technological challenges of our complex, interdependent world.

The pandemic has accelerated systemic changes that were apparent before its inception. The fault lines that emerged in 2020 now appear as critical crossroads in 2021. The time to rebuild trust and to make crucial choices is fast approaching as the need to reset priorities and the urgency to reform systems grow stronger around the world.

The Davos Agenda is a pioneering mobilization of global leaders to shape the principles, policies and partnerships needed in this challenging new context. It is essential for leaders from all walks of life to work together virtually for a more inclusive, cohesive and sustainable future as soon as possible in 2021.


An entire week of global programming will be dedicated to helping leaders choose innovative and bold solutions to stem the pandemic and drive a robust recovery over the next year.

The Davos Agenda will also mark the launch of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Initiative and begin the preparation of the Special Annual Meeting in the spring. Each day will focus on one of the five domains of the Great Reset Initiative:

Monday 25 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Designing cohesive, sustainable and resilient economic systems.

Tuesday 26 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Driving responsible industry transformation and growth.

Wednesday 27 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Enhancing stewardship of our global commons.

Thursday 28 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Harnessing the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Friday 29 January: Special Addresses, Leadership Panels and Impact Sessions on Advancing global and regional cooperation.

More about international organizations HERE.

Source/Image Credit: WEF