1,607 new investment projects identified in France from FDI

France FDI

In 2021, 1,607 new investment projects, a 32% rise from 2020, were identified in France from foreign direct investment (FDI), creating or maintaining 45,008 jobs, a 30% increase from 2020.

The 2021 Annual Report of International Investments (FDI) in France, published by Business France on March 15, 2022 reaffirms the confidence of foreign investors in France. France’s economic attractiveness reached an all-time high in 2021, with an average of 31 investment decisions recorded per week last year.

Investors from 60 different countries chose to invest in France in 2021, with the year being marked by a significant strengthening of France’s economic attractiveness in the eyes of European investors, who accounted for two-thirds of the projects. Germany became the leading investor country in France, ahead of the United States, followed by United Kingdom. 51% of investments in France included the creation of new business sites, a sign of investor confidence in France’s business environment and economic prospects. Expansions, primarily in production/manufacturing facilities, accounting for 44% of the projects and nearly half of the jobs, are illustrative of the renewed confidence evident in the investments from foreign businesses in France.

A record 460 production/manufacturing projects of foreign origins were identified in France in 2021, an increase of 49% from 2020, with these investments creating or maintaining more than 15,000 jobs in France.

These results demonstrate that the process of reindustrialization of the French economy, accelerated in 2021, gained foreign investors’ confidence in France following the COVID-19 health crisis.

To find out more about FDI in Europe in 2021, click HERE.

Business environment in France

Business France provides free and confidential support to ensure your investment in France is a success, whatever form it takes: a new site, an expansion of an existing site, industrial or technological partnerships, acquisitions or financial investments. Business France can help your decision-making and provide support throughout your project by calling on its network of partners in each French region.

Source/ Image Credit: Business France