Austrade’s International Readiness Indicator


Austrade’s International Readiness Indicator is an online tool for new exporters and has been designed to help Australian businesses determine whether their business is ready for exporting.

The Indicator draws on Austrade’s experience in assisting Australian firms enter international markets. It focuses on the key aspects of what it takes to be ready for export and compete successfully in overseas markets.

Here’s how it works:

  • Log in to Austrade’s website to access the Indicator. If you are not already a site member, you will need to complete our simple site registration (please note: you will need your ABN to register).
  • Complete the Indicator which consists of 12 yes/no questions and takes less than 5 minutes to do.
  • Topics include supply capacity, selling proposition, marketing materials, finances and pricing.
  • Your answers will produce a report card indicating your international readiness. It will also provide you with information and sources of assistance to help you address any areas that you may need to work on.
  • You will also receive a copy of your report card by email. The detailed report card can also be accessed at any time in the future through your Austrade website ‘My account’.

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