New CCI France International President and Board


During the Annual General Meeting of CCI France International held this week in France, new President and Board Committee have been elected. The Meeting was held on June 25, 2019, in the Pavillon d’Armenonville in Paris. CCI France International now counts 124 CCI FI from 93 countries worldwide.

The voting results are the following:

Board Members- 2019-2022

  • President : Renaud BENTEGEAT – Belgique / CFE SA
  • 1st Vice-President : Eric CECCONELLO – Maroc / Delattre Levivier Maroc
  • Vice-President : Vincent FAYSSE – Suisse / Team Partners Suisse SA
  • Vice-President : Jean-Paul SCHEUER – EAU Dubaï / Sanofi
  • Treasurer : Nicolas RIBOLLET – Grande-Bretagne / Mazars
  • Second Treasurer : Bernard DELMAS – Japon / Michelin Japon
  • General Secretary : Annie REA – Italie / InSitu
  • Second General Secretary : Guillaume GIRARD-REYDET – Inde / Pernod Ricard India

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