Invest in Austria: Second-best year for business location projects

Invest in Austria ABA

On balance, INVEST in AUSTRIA supported a total of 364 international companies in cooperation with the regional investment promotion agencies in Austria.

The national business location consultancy Austrian Business Agency achieved the second-best results in its history in 2021 – in spite of the coronavirus pandemic. The competitiveness and attractiveness of Austria as a business and work location remain at a high level.

These international firms invested € 1.24 billion in the Austrian business location and created 3,403 new jobs. The share of companies bringing a high value creation to Austria could be increased from 14% to 21%. This particularly applies to the field of research and development and startups with a high future potential.

At present, ABA is consulting 1,400 firms interested in locating in Austria or expanding their current activities. is one company which could rely on the support of ABA when setting up their business operations. “The Rohlik Group’s entry into the Austrian market was definitely the right decision and with has been extremely successful for us as a corporate group”, explains Maurice Beurskens, CEO of

This is new at ABA

In addition to business location projects for international companies, ABA is now also the competence centre for domestic companies searching for international specialists. “Highly-qualified employees comprise a key criterion for every second business location project. Not only does the Austria business location profit from the expansion of ABA, but the company itself also benefits from the synergies generated between INVEST in AUSTRIA, WORK in AUSTRIA and FILM in AUSTRIA”, explains René Tritscher, Managing Director of Austrian Business Agency.

More about the European market HERE.


INVEST in AUSTRIA is the key to the business location of Austria for all international companies and startups, both for business location projects as well as further expansion steps. “INVEST in AUSTRIA proactively targets innovative companies, particularly in the fields of information technology and life sciences, in order to further strengthen the existing potential”, René Tritscher concludes.


Source/ Image Credit: Invest in Austria