CaixaBank and Invest in Spain promote investment in Spain to French companies

invest in spain

Elisa García Grande, executive director of Invest in Spain, subsequently stated that “the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan is a unique opportunity to set the stage for the modernisation and sustainable and inclusive growth of the Spanish economy.

The four pillars of the Plan, green transition, digital transition, social and territorial cohesion and gender equality, will raise interesting investment opportunities for foreign capital companies established in Spain,”.She gave a reminder that “one of the major strengths of the Spanish economy is its high level of internationalisation. Upwards of 16,000 foreign companies in our country are a key part of the Spanish production fabric and are responsible for 42% of our exports and over 38% of the private sector’s R&D spending.”

CaixaBank and Invest in Spain held a presentation to showcase the attractiveness and opportunities that the Spanish market offers at an informative meeting held at the Spanish Embassy in Paris.

The breakfast was attended by the Spanish Embassy in France’s head of business, David Carriedo, who welcomed the participants and highlighted that “these kind of events are used to raise awareness among French investors of the opportunities that are opening up in Spain in the years to come, specifically with the momentum of the government’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and European Next Generation funds.”

More about activities of trade and investment promotion organizations HERE.

ICEX-Invest in Spain

The role of the executive directorate of invest in Spain for ICEX Spain Export and Investment is to promote and attract foreign investments, as well as the reinvestment of foreign companies already established in the country. It is established as a benchmark for foreign investors and as a meeting point for institutions focused on promoting and attracting investments at the state, regional and local level. It also undertakes activities to establish Spain as a global platform for international business and investment. Another area of activity is the enhancement of Spain’s business climate, in ongoing dialogue with other ministerial departments and with companies and business associations established in Spain – Spanish capital companies and those from third countries.

Source/ Image Credit: CaixaBank