French- American Chamber of Commerce Chicago: Webinar Cyber Security Tips for Remote Working

French American Chamber of Commerce

Chambers of Commerce continue to deliver targeted services to member-companies in the COVID-19 pandemic era

Bilateral chambers of commerce are moving their events to online platforms

The French-American Chamber of Commerce Chicago puts at the service of the French-American business community in Illinois and of its members the resources to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the COVID-19 impact.

Cyber Security as a crucial element of doing business in the era of COVID-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we do business as many employees are forced to work from home. In order to support businesses, the French-American Chamber of Commerce Chicago is organizing a series of webinars to support companies overcome COVID-19 related challenges. For example, on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 the webinar ”Cyber Security Tips for Remote Working’‘ will offer an opportunity to discuss with experts how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the cybersecurity threat landscape.

Founded in 1978, the FACC-Chicago is an independent, non-profit, member-driven organization whose mission is to foster a thriving economic relationship between the United States and France and to welcome and support French businesses and entrepreneurs in the Chicago region. FACC-Chicago is one of eighteen U.S. chapters of the French-American Chambers of Commerce, which represent more than 5,000 companies nationwide in all major industries.

This business organisation is also a member of CCI France International, an international network of 113 French Foreign Chambers of Commerce that spans 83 countries and represents over 30,000 members worldwide. With more than 40 events each year, French-American Chamber of Commerce Chicago is the main professional forum and resource for French business leaders in Chicago and Milwaukee and for U.S. companies in our region doing business in and with France. READ MORE

FACC-Chicago is funded solely through membership dues, event revenue and trade services.

Source/Image Credit: French-American Chamber of Commerce Chicago

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