InvestChile is recognized as best South American investment promotion agency

invest chile

In its Global Best to Invest 2020 Report, the Site Selection international magazine recognized InvestChile as the best investment promotion agency in South America

The report is based on information provided by 1,000 investment experts from around the world, principally executives responsible for decision-making in their company.

This is the second time that InvestChile has been recognized by the magazine, which also included it in its awards last year. This year, it shares top place with ProColombia.

To select the winning agencies, Site Selection evaluates factors such as professionalism, preparation, leadership and the agencies’ personnel in areas such as having a team of professionals who are receptive to enquiries, standing out for its reputation for protecting investor confidentiality and providing comprehensive services that include the post-investment period.

Juan Araya, acting InvestChile director,  emphasized that InvestChile’s work is reflected in the growth of its portfolio of projects in 2019, which reached 413 initiatives at different stages of development, representing a potential investment of US$17,199 million. Read more about trade and investment promotion agencies here.


Invest Chile is the government agency responsible for promoting Chile in the global market as a destination for foreign direct investment, serving as a bridge between the interests of overseas investors and the business opportunities the country offers and providing world-class services that are in line with the country’s economic development policies. The agency implements all types of initiatives whose purpose is to publicize, promote, coordinate and implement actions that seek to foster the entry of foreign direct investment (FDI) into Chile.

It also provides general information about Chile, its economic and social environment, its legal framework and its policies on foreign investment, offering specific information about how to start a business as well as the procedures and regulation with which all investors must comply in order to bring FDI into the country.

Source/ Image Credit: INVESTCHILE