Alex Carreiro is the new president of Apex-Brasil


The Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments (Apex-Brasil) has a new president. The public manager Alecxandro Pinho Carreiro took office last Wednesday (03/01), for a four-year term (2019-2022).


Graduated in media and post-graduate in public management, Alex Carreiro, as he is known, intends to strengthen and expand the work of Apex-Brasil. To do so, it will invest in the agency’s employees and in dialogue with the agents that operate in the export cycle in Brazil, including the productive sector, ministries and the National Congress.


“When I took on the challenge of chairing Apex-Brasil, I already knew that I would have a very high-quality technical staff at my disposal. But I was very impressed, not only with the technical competence of these people, but above all with the commitment of each one of them to ensure that Apex-Brasil continues to be the main partner of our companies, promoting the internationalization of business and attracting investments for the country, “he praises. “I want to make clear that our plan is to value and encourage the serious work of everyone who is committed to the success of Brazil,” he says.


In the four years of his mandate, Carreiro also intends to ensure that Apex-Brasil is within the reach of all Brazilian companies, even those located in the most remote regions of the country. “Our goal is to make Apex-Brasil even more known of who produces and creates jobs. It is to make every entrepreneur know our services. We want them to know that we’re here to help them look for investments and business out there, “he says.


For this, Apex-Brasil will also seek to get closer to the small entrepreneurs who seek their internationalization. “Each export carried out by one of our companies, even the smallest of them, means the maintenance of one or more jobs on Brazilian soil. And each foreign resource contributed in the country means the generation of wealth for our people and the strengthening of Brazil’s image as a long-term business partner, “he reinforces.

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