Invest in Finland: Helsinki-Uusimaa is the most innovative region in the EU


Helsinki-Uusimaa is the most innovative region in the EU according to the Regional innovation scoreboard (RIS).

The RIS 2019 is a comparative assessment of regional innovation based on the European innovation scoreboard methodology, using 18 of the latter’s 27 indicators. In provides a more detailed breakdown of performance groups with contextual data that can be used to analyse and compare structural economic, business and socio-demographic structure differences between regions.

The new scoreboard confirms that Europe’s most innovative regions are located in the most innovative countries. The most innovative region in the EU is Helsinki-Uusimaa, Finland, followed Stockholm, Sweden and Hovedstaden, Denmark. The overall most innovative region in Europe is Zϋrich in Switzerland. Some regional innovative hubs exist also in moderate innovator countries: Prague in Czechia, Crete in Greece, and Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy.
