Ready to apply to the World Chambers Competition?


Are you a chamber with an innovative initiative? Applications for the next World Chambers Competition open in April 2020.

The 12WCC is gearing up to be a world-class event bringing together some of the best minds in chamber, government and business to explore how chambers are leveraging advanced technologies to achieve their goals.

                            « Generation Next:  Chambers 4.0 »

23-25 February 2021, Dubai, UAE

Best Match-making Project

This category recognizes chambers that have developed successful business matchmaking initiatives—such as services, events, tools, etc.—for the benefit of their members.

Best Climate Action Project

This category recognizes chambers with projects designed to support bold action to tackle climate change and help their members adapt to challenges.

Best Unconventional Project

This category recognizes chambers with unique initiatives that are outside the realm of their everyday mission to increase job creation and enhance economic development.

Best Digital Project

This category recognizes chambers who have adopted or created technological solutions
to simplify and transform their services for business.