KPR Mill Ltd, an integrated textile manufacturing company from India, opens new factory in Ethiopia


KPR Mill Ltd, an integrated textile manufacturing company from India, has opened its first overseas garment unit, in Ethiopia’s Mekelle Industrial Park.

The garment factory will have a capacity of 10 million items each year.

So far, employment has been created for 700 people and export shipments have commenced to Europe and the United States.

The opening of the factory is the result of a collaborative partnership with the International Trade Centre’s (ITC) Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa programme (SITA), which works to build trade and investment linkages between India and East Africa.

The official inauguration of the factory – KPR Export – was attended by ITC Executive Director Ms. Arancha González and Mr. K.P Ramasamy, Chairman of KPR Mill Ltd.

Other dignitaries at the inauguration included Ethiopian State Minister for Trade and Industry Mr. Teka Gebreyesus, Mr. Debretsion Gebremichael, Vice-President of Tigray Regional State, Mr Mayur Kothari, Convenor, India Business Forum, Ethiopia and Mr. Anteneh Alemu, Deputy Commissioner of the Ethiopia Investment Commission.

Funded by the United Kingdom’s Department of International Development (DFID), ITC’s SITA programme aims to improve the competitiveness of selected value chains, including textiles and apparel, in five East African countries – Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania – through the provision of partnerships with institutions and businesses from India.

Source/ Image Credit:

Photo: India’s KPR Mill inaugurates new Factory in Ethiopia’s Mekelle Industrial Park