Jan Larsson new CEO of Business Sweden

business sweden

The Board of Business Sweden appointed Jan Larsson as the new CEO after an extensive recruitment process with close to 100 candidates.

Jan Larsson has many years of experience from business as well as from the Government Offices and politics. He served as the Communications Director at Handelsbanken, and has previously been State Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Committee, CEO of the Education Group Vocational Academy and Communications Director at Nordea, Management Consultant at McKinsey and Communications Consultant at Brunswick.

In 2018, Larsson was also a special investigator of Swedish investment promotion and sits on the board of the University and College Council.

– With Jan Larsson, Business Sweden gets a CEO with an almost unique combination of operational experience from both business and government. Jan has a great understanding of the needs and challenges of business and a deep insight into both political and democratic possibilities and realities. With those insights, I look forward to working with him as operationally responsible for the mission to continue to develop and strengthen Business Sweden as the world’s best trade promotion organization, says Ulrica Messing, Chairman of the Board of Business Sweden.

Jan Larsson took office on Monday 10 May 2021. 

– I am really looking forward to the assignment. I have had the privilege of meeting several of the employees in Business Sweden in previous assignments and am impressed by the commitment and competence in the organization. Together, the people in Business Sweden make a difference. The business contributes to many thousands of new jobs annually, both by attracting new investments to Sweden and through activities for increased exports from everything from large export industries to small startups, says Jan Larsson.

Business Sweden is jointly owned by the Swedish state and the Swedish business sector with a mandate and a mission to help international companies gain access to the Swedish market and help domestic ones utilize it as a platform for expansion. More about trade and investment promotion organizations HERE.

Source: Business Sweden